Why You Are A Conservative

Friday, August 31, 2007

Fear the Communists of China

While America takes the lead in combating Islamic fundamentalism around the world, the Communist government of China is biding its time in hopes of becoming the world's next superpower.

Today, the United States enjoys the status as the world’s only true superpower, but the Chinese government thinks that China not only can become a superpower, but that it is destined to be one. The Chinese people have historically thought of themselves as, in a sense, better than other nations and cultures. This psyche drives them to become a dominant country both militarily and economically. While the economic trade that America and China bilaterally engage in is beneficial to both countries, the frantic build-up of the Chinese military destabilizes Asia in the short-term and represents an outright challenge to American military superiority in the long-term.

Central to China's strategy is catching up to the United States in technology, especially military technology. Like the Russians during the Cold War, the Chinese know that they cannot create cutting-edge military technology within China, so they focus on using spies to steal American military technology. China’s vast networks of spies steal industrial and military secrets from American business and the United States government. The technology is then reverse engineered by the Chinese government. This has allowed China to become a more industrialized nation much more quickly than anyone would have anticipated.

In turn China uses its money to influence countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. For instance, such payments have allowed China to gain access to military and oil assets in Venezuela and the Sudan, two countries that are openly hostile to the United States.

But the most pressing problem created by China’s rising influence is that it threatens to conquer Taiwan. The tensions between China and Taiwan find their roots in the 1949 Chinese revolution, when communists led by Chairman Mao claimed control of the mainland. However, the island of Taiwan was and has been protected from invasion by the United States. Yet China’s increased military prowess threatens the island nation and its military buildup has concentrated on the expansion of satellite, submarine and anti-carrier technology, three facets of modern warfare that would be essential in any conflict with America over Taiwan.

The more naïve among us may ask, so what? Why should it matter that China wants to increase its prestige? The answer is that unlike America, which has never wanted to be an empire (even now we discuss when we are going to leave Iraq), China has always harbored imperialistic goals. Now that it finally has the economy and the military capable of dominating Asia, America and its allies should harbor no illusion that the Chinese government is a friend.

Any comments or questions can be received at whyyouareaconservative@gmail.com

~ The Conservative Guy


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