Why You Are A Conservative

Friday, April 06, 2007

Feminist at Home, Submissive Abroad

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fancies herself a feminist. After her election she emphasized that her promotion to Speaker was a monumental breakthrough for women. She explained, "For our daughters and granddaughters, today we have broken the marble ceiling. To our daughters and our granddaughters, the sky is the limit." She apparently thinks that her election validates the notion that women can do anything. I don't disagree that women can do anything they want, but then again I, and most people, thought that before she became Speaker.

Whatever. If she wants to believe her election changed the destiny of women everywhere, fine.

But I find it hypocritical for someone who is a self-styled champion of women to go abroad to Syria, a Muslim country that gives no power to women, and wear this.

Women throughout the Muslim world are forced every day to wear veils. In addition, many Muslim societies execute women after they are ganged raped, stone women for premarital sex, force women into marriage, and deny education to girls and young women. All of these wrongs are carried out in the name of Islam.

Pelosi could have stood up for the women's rights she seemingly supports by not wearing a veil, thus making a statement that as a free person she should not have to submit to the religious will of others. Instead, she opted to sacrifice her own rights so as to not upset Islam or her guests.

American feminists, if they were intellectually honest, should be criticizing Pelosi. In fact, American feminists should be loudly decrying the treatment Muslim women receive. But no such criticism is forthcoming because Pelosi is a political ally and American feminists think, like most people on the left, that Islam should be appeased rather than forced to change. Apparently principles are flexible when politics are involved.

Oh by the way, Syria is a public enemy of the United States, is a state sponsor of terrorism, and continues to undermine the new Iraqi government. A visit by the third most powerful politician in America gives international legitimacy to a brutal regime and allows it to stay in power longer. Yet another example of how Democrats are quick to support America's enemies when they believe it will score them political points. Typical.

Any comments or questions can be received at whyyouareaconservative@gmail.com

~ The Conservative Guy


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