Why You Are A Conservative

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Global warming is real. Since 1975 scientists have documented that the earth's average temperature has risen about 1/2 a degree Celsius. But the cause of that temperature rise is not due to man-made causes, as Al Gore would have you believe.

Need convincing? Then watch this. If you take the time to watch all 75 minutes of this documentary, I basically guarantee you will conclude that the global warming hysteria today is beyond ridiculous.

Any comments or questions can be received at whyyouareaconservative@gmail.com

~ The Conservative Guy

UPDATE: Not surprisingly the link is no longer active. Perhaps the reason is due to copyright concerns, but I suspect enough people (i.e. radical environmentalists) complained and Google removed the link. But here is the program's website. If you get a chance to watch the entire documentary it will be worth your time.


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