Why You Are A Conservative

Friday, January 12, 2007

Does America Have the Will to Stay in Iraq?

As much as I would like to think the answer is yes, I am beginning to think that it is no. Consider this quote about the current situation in Iraq - "When is it going to stop? We're losing a lot of youngsters," says former tanker Ed Collins, 82, of Hicksville, N.Y., who survived the assault on Normandy's beaches in World War II. "I went in when I was 18; that was young, too. But we fought for something. Now we have no idea who we're fighting for and what we're fighting for."

Apparently Mr. Collins doesn't realize that we are fighting the next greatest threat to civilization. In his day it was Nazi totalitarianism, today it is Islamic fascism. Just like the Nazis, today Islamic militants give the West two choices: submit or die. Luckily, today we have a President and a political party that realizes the threat exists and want to eliminate it before it becomes powerful enough to dominate the world.

If nothing else, the lesson the world should have learned after all the blood spilled in World War II is that, while evil can be appeased, the longer it is ignored, the harder it is to overcome. Hitler was dangerously close to changing mankind’s destiny. Islamic fundamentalism, in the long-term, can defeat the West if the West refuses to confront it. Europe didn’t confront Hitler until it was too late, and again today most countries around the world refuse to confront the danger Islamic fundamentalism poses even as expands its reach into Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America.

As American casualties approach 3,000 in Iraq it is becoming increasingly clear that the American public is growing weary of the war. Americans may question this war for many reasons, but their doubts often center around the count of military deaths. An overwhelming majority, 84 percent, worry that the war is causing too many casualties. Public approval of the war has dropped into the 20% range and calls from liberals to cut and run from Iraq are becoming louder.

It is hard to believe that the West would have won World War II with the resolve America shows today. The Allied forces lost 2,500 men in a few hours on D-Day. If today's weakness were characteristic of America back then, President Roosevelt would have been forced to sue for peace with Hitler and the world would be a much darker place.

The war in Vietnam was not lost because the enemy defeated America on the battlefield. The war was lost because the American people and naive politicians handcuffed our military to the point where victory was impossible. History reveals what happened to the millions of innocents in South Vietnam and Cambodia after America left; they were slaughtered by the communists that America was fighting. History is now on the verge of repeating itself in Iraq. A vocal minority in America, liberal politicians, and a sympathetic media call for our withdrawal. What do you suppose will happen to the people of Iraq once America surrenders it to Islamic militants and Iran?

The American military, in the long-term, cannot be defeated on the battlefield. It can only be defeated if it is not allowed to fight. Sadly, it is looking more and more likely that the American people's lack of will and resolve will force America to withdraw from Iraq before it can stand up to the Islamic terrorists that threaten its stability.

Any comments or questions can be received at whyyouareaconservative@gmail.com

~ The Conservative Guy


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