Why You Are A Conservative

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Democrats Take Over Congress

On November 7th, the American people voted in Democratic majorities in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

While it is useful to ponder what the future Democratic Congress will bring, it is just as useful to examine why Republicans lost their majorities. Certainly Iraq was a factor, but no American patriot wants America to lose in Iraq by pulling up and leaving. Hopefully, the Democratic party will not support leaving Iraq, but I wouldn't bet the ranch on it.

Corruption was a big factor as well. After 12 years in the majority Republicans became comfortable using the same tactics (i.e. doling out favors to allies, spending government money recklessly, and getting cozy with lobbyists) that convinced America to vote in a Republican Congress in 1994. I don't believe that the Democrats will be any better, but I hope I'm wrong.

Also, the difference between when Republicans lose elections and when Democrats lose is worth noting. When Democrats lost in 2000, 2002, and 2004 they came up with conspiracy theories. Karl Rove stole the election, President Bush manipulated gas prices, etc.

But notice now how Republicans and conservatives act when we lose. They don't blame the voting machines or concoct crazy theories. We will regroup, analyze what went wrong, and learn from our mistakes, and make our case to the American people. Americans want lower taxes and to win in Iraq. They want America to succeed and prosper. I know that the Republican Party and conservatism is the avenue to accomplish these goals. Last week, the majority of voters did not agree with me, but I tomorrow I will try and convince them otherwise.

Any comments or questions can be received at whyyouareaconservative@gmail.com

~ The Conservative Guy


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